目前分類:好歌推薦 (4)

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哈哈。。。剛跑完步,腦袋裡卻突然出現這首歌。。。這是個sign嗎? XD)))


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王胖娘年輕時的影星作為歌名,也提及已故皇后樂團的主唱,無奈小弟不識兩位名人。然這位年方23的歌手將他們唱上英倫告示榜top 1,要得!本週五發台壓板,try it!

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最近MTV台可能會常看到這位仁兄的MV,說「21歲的生命,唱出80歲的靈魂」 聽聽吧?It's touching... Here I present you, the first single of James Morrison, "You Give Me Something."

Music Video

Live at a Dutch radio studio

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Three pieces of great songs with Piano.
No wonder Pianos are called the king of instruments...

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